
We are an interdisciplinary and international team, working in the center of Berlin. We are passionate about understanding genetic variations, biomedical challenges, and how to transform data into clinically actionable results.


Software Engineers

System Engineers

PhD Students


  • Tzu-Ting Wei
  • Dr. Yoann Gloaguen - Post-Doc (moved on to Centogen AG)
  • Dr. Patrick Pett - Post-Doc (moved on to the Teichmann lab at Wellcome Sanger Institute)
  • Clemens Messerschmidt - Bioinformatician (became a PhD student in compCancer programme)
  • Franziska Schumann - Bachelor student (became a Master student in the data science programm at HPI, Potsdam)
  • Nico Borgsmüller - Master student (became a PhD student at ETH with Niko Beerenwinkel)
  • Dr. Dermot Harnett - Post-Doc (moved on to Ohler lab at MDC-Berlin)
  • Dr. Oliver Drechsel - Post-Doc (moved on to become staff Bioinformatician at Robert-Koch-Institute)
  • Dr. Kajetan Bentele - Post-Doc (moved on to industry)

Last modified: Jul 3, 2024