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The CUBI seminar series is a weekly event where we invite speakers from all over the world to present their work. The seminars are open to everyone and are held on Thursdays at 1pm in the Rahel Hirsch Centre.

The 2024 seminar series starts on April, 18th, in the Rahel Hirsch Centre, the Duska Dragun room (level 4).

Date Speaker Title Location
18.4 To be announced To be announced Rahel Hirsch Centre, Duska Dragun room, 04 343 (level 4)
25.4 To be announced To be announced Rahel Hirsch Centre, Duska Dragun room, 04 343 (level 4)
25.4 To be announced To be announced Rahel Hirsch Centre, room TBA


R Crash course

The last edition of the R Crash course was held in March 2024. You can find all materials (slides, scripts, videos) in the course repository.

Advanced R course

To be announced.


If you have any questions about our teaching activities, please contact us at cubi-teaching[at]charite.de.

Last modified: Jul 2, 2024