
Latest News

CUBI organizes bioinformatics core unit workshop at ECCB

Dieter Beule from CUBI organizes the bioinformatics core unit workshop at ECCB

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SODAR preprint online

We proudly announce SODAR, a system for omics data access and retrieval.

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Next R Crash Course in September 2022

We are continuing with another installment of the R crash course.

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Varianten fast übersehen – gefunden mit VarFish
What happens in the lungs during SARS-CoV-2 infection

BIH press release on a recent paper co-authored by CUBI member Benedikt Obermeyer.

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Spiegel article mentions CUBI work

Article in the news magazine “Der Spiegel” mentions VarFish and how it is used in rare disease applications.

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Spatial Transcriptomics Grant

CUBI team member receives grant for spacial transcriptomics

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Varfish Release v1.2.0

We are happy to announce the first stable release of VarFish v1.2.0. This is the first stable “version 1” release and many features have been added since the last release.

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Next R Crash Course in November 2021

We are continuing with another installment of the R crash course.

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Presenting the Molecular Tumor Board at VICC
On June 29th 2021, the Charité Comprehensive Center and the Core Unit Bioinformatics presented during the VICC ClinGen Somatic Virtual Molecular Tumor Board, which is part of the ACMG Education Center and organized by members of the Variant Interpretation for Cancer Consortium. In particular, Drs. Michael Ruschel and Manuela Benary and Prof. Serge Leyvraz introduced the molecular tumor board at Charité, Berlin and current national studies on precision oncology. Afterwards they presented a recent case with an NTRK fusion, highlighting the need for precision oncology and communication within an interdisciplinary team.

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